Fascinating! Researchers at Baylor were able to breed mice with autistic behaviors by feeding the mothers diets high in unhealthy fats (comparable to fast food diets).

By looking at the gut microbiome of an individual mouse, they could predict whether its behavior would be impaired. The sequencing revealed one type of bacteria, Lactobacillus reuteri, which was reduced more than nine-fold in the microbiome of mice born to mothers on the high-fat diet.

Interestingly, the authors found that L. reuteri also promoted the production of the "bonding hormone" oxytocin, which is known to play a crucial role in social behavior and has been associated with autism in humans.

And the best part: They introduced a human-derived strain of L. reuteri into the water of the affected mice, and found that the single probiotic strain was able to rescue their social behavior.

The absence of one specific species of gut bacteria causes social deficits in mice, researchers at Baylor College of Medicine report in the journal Cell.

Please be aware as we strive to eliminate toxins in our food and skin products that BPA free cans and plastics still have a dark side. The article attached will give you some less toxic options for coconut milk, with the best version in a glass jar at the end.

Buyer Beware: Toxic BPA and regrettable substitutes in canned food 5 major can lining types were identified: acrylic resins, BPA-based epoxy, oleoresin, polyester resins, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) copolymers. They concluded that we know very little about the addi­tives used in these linings and about the amounts of chemicals that may leach into food.

Can linings have undisclosed substances. I found three can-free coconut milk options for you. Did you that carton packaging contains plastic lining and.....
Bay Area Wellness - Functional Medicine Psychiatry
April 30 at 3:12pm ·

Wow! In his first study of 65 patients, using the very safe and benign procedure of balloon angioplasty, and sometimes a stent, 73% of the patients had no further return of their Multiple Sclerosis symptoms two years after the procedure!

This Italian surgeon discovered that patients with MS have blockages of major blood vessels in the brain, which he thinks leads to rupture and leakage of iron and immune cells, that then attack the Myelin sheaths of the nerves. This of course leads to the symptoms of MS.

He discovered that more than 90% of people with MS have some sort of malformation or blockage in the veins that drain blood from the brain.

Can You Afford Organic Whole Foods?


Illness, lost work days, and dementia are a lot more costly than investing upfront in your food now.


In my humble opinion, after safety, all other needs and wants should come second to eating well. 


And buying vegetables for snacks – carrots, broccoli, zucchini, celery, jicama, cucumbers, avocados, etc – is far less expensive than all of that nasty processed snack food. Even at the increased cost of buying organic produce. (I like to cut mine up and put them in airtight glass containers in the refrigerator. Most veges can keep quite a while like this, and then are readily available for me to snack on, throw in my salad, or add as garnishes to whatever I'm eating for dinner.)


One need not, and indeed should not, attempt to eat gluten-free by substituting "gluten-free products". These are processed foods with little to no nutrients. They also often contain cane sugar or other forms of sugar, preservatives, and sometimes food dyes. They are often highly caloric, and since these are empty calories without much in the way of nutrients, they will be stored as fat rather than utilized to support your body's biochemistry.


Another low-cost, high-yield snack idea is to eat a can of sardines a couple of times a week. These are high in Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil) and other nutrients, so they are a healthy fat for your brain as well as helpful to reduce cholesterol and benefiting the health of your heart. They're easy to keep at your desk or in your car.


One caveat with the sardines – most cans contain BPA, which is an endocrine disruptor and can increase estrogen levels, thus increasing cancer and other health risks.


"Wild Planet" is a brand of sardines that has a BPA-free can. I found it available at Whole Foods. It says "wild sardines – sustainably caught in the Pacific ocean".


If you can't afford to take supplemental fish oil, eating sardines is a way to get your dose of Fish Oil and buy food at the same time. Sardines are a type of fish that generally contains minimal amounts of mercury, so they usually pose no health risk from metals. They are generally considered safe in pregnancy as well, but the recommendations are to limit to two 6 ounce servings a day during pregnancy.

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